Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Life in Songs - page 2

Hello again,

To be honest, I have had this page finished for a little while now, but I have been a bit under the weather.  I don't know about you, but when fighting nausea, I do not want to sit at the computer for too long.

Anyway, I do want to go ahead and post this page, because I love it, and I think it is inspiring me to get the paint out again and get a little messy.  Unfortunately the black paint I used has a semi-gloss and left a bit of a glare in the photo - so sorry!

This song is one by Jeremy Camp and it really touched my heart first in 2007 when I was going through a really tough time and I had NO idea how I would move forward.  Thankfully all I had to do was keep putting one foot in front of the other - baby steps mind you - and in the end God worked out all the details.  This is another one of those songs that when I still hear it today I get tears in my eyes.  Sometimes the road in front of us falls out from under our feet - but there is always one who is holding us steady - if we believe.

I am also amazed, now - 5 years later, to look back and see how that horrid time, that scary blind walk, prepared me in so many ways for the craziness of this past year.  If I had not learned then that I just need to keep walking, I think this year would have broken me.

So if the path before you is broken and crumbling - BELIEVE - and keep walking as slow as you need, because in the end you will see what was going on.

Safe journey to you!


  1. Good message, Erin. I know it must be therapeutic to do an art journal like this. Paint on!
