Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Life in Songs - page 2

Hello again,

To be honest, I have had this page finished for a little while now, but I have been a bit under the weather.  I don't know about you, but when fighting nausea, I do not want to sit at the computer for too long.

Anyway, I do want to go ahead and post this page, because I love it, and I think it is inspiring me to get the paint out again and get a little messy.  Unfortunately the black paint I used has a semi-gloss and left a bit of a glare in the photo - so sorry!

This song is one by Jeremy Camp and it really touched my heart first in 2007 when I was going through a really tough time and I had NO idea how I would move forward.  Thankfully all I had to do was keep putting one foot in front of the other - baby steps mind you - and in the end God worked out all the details.  This is another one of those songs that when I still hear it today I get tears in my eyes.  Sometimes the road in front of us falls out from under our feet - but there is always one who is holding us steady - if we believe.

I am also amazed, now - 5 years later, to look back and see how that horrid time, that scary blind walk, prepared me in so many ways for the craziness of this past year.  If I had not learned then that I just need to keep walking, I think this year would have broken me.

So if the path before you is broken and crumbling - BELIEVE - and keep walking as slow as you need, because in the end you will see what was going on.

Safe journey to you!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Anniversary and fun!

Well, I never got around to posting yesterday, sorry about that.

BUT, it was my anniversary and so we were busy celebrating.  It was nice!  So you see there was a good reason for my absence.

Oh, and I made a card for my sweetie.  It was fun too!

I used one of those new kits from my sweet ladies over at Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations.  Its in the kit Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Mixed-Up 21 check it out if you like birds!

Now, to show you my pages.

This one is in honor of my dad and my husband,

It tells about my memories of my dad and his always having coffee.  Funny, I never would have guessed back then that I would come to love coffee as much as I do, but that is life.

Sherrie JD - graffiti page V6
Dawn Inskip: Wrecked art papers
Bisointine - mustache me
fonts: Idiot, Jane Austen & Cold Coffee

This one is in honor of my crazy dog - remember her?

Tangie Baxter: AJC 2012 - Parcel 3, 12 & 19, AJC 11 parcel 6, explain it, Chipper chatter verbs, prose, Shakesphere gave us
CD Muchosky: Markerific alpha
Audrey Neal Stitches
Crow About StudioB: WOOT Words
Vicki Segall: Ransom words

And then I had some fun with those kits I showed you last time:

This one came about after my dad sent me some family pictures.  It just got me thinking a bit, especially since my grandmother passed away last month.


Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Mixed-Up 20
Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Mixed-Up 21 
Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Kit 2

And this one was just for fun!

It has been a while since I have been dancing, but a girl can dream right?  If you have a thing for shoes, then you should check out the Mixed Up 20 below, because it is full of vintage shoes.


Well, that's all for tonight - more later!  Thanks so much!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Catching Up!

Well, I have gotten behind in posting all my goodies.  I have been having so much fun creating that I forgot to share it.

Last time I said I might have to play with some of the new Altered Junk goodies - well, I did.  And to make it even better, the ladies at Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations came out with two new mix-ups this week.  Too cool!

But I am getting ahead of myself.

Here are the pages I made with the kits from my last post.

This is one of my favorite ones from this week.  I used a photo I had found a while back - don't you just love it - and then the Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Mixed Up 19 over at Scrap Delicious.  There is a story that goes with this one, but I think I will save it for later.

I had some fun making some more pages with the mission possible kit.

This one was food for thought for a while, and when I saw the strong man in the Mission Possible Circus Add-On Kit, I had to give it a go.  Its simple, but means a lot to me.

This one was with the Altered Junk Mission Possible Circus Kit and the Add-On Kit.  It came out of a frustrated moment.  I hate that so many people think life is a competition.  We don't have to compete with each other for everything, we CAN co-operate.

And here is a page I made with the Altered Junk May Journaling Mini Kit.  It is such a soft kit, it made me realize how bittersweet May truly is for me.

Well, that does not catch me up (can you believe I have made even more) but it does make a dent.  I will try and post the rest in the morning.  It is just so fun to express yourself, don't you think!

Next time I will show you how much fun I had with these two kits:

{Altered Junk} Mixed up v.20

{Altered Junk} Mixed up v.20

{Altered Junk} Mixed up v.21

{Altered Junk} Mixed up v.21

happy times!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Life is like a 3 Ring Circus

Ok, so life has gotten a little bit crazy lately.  That is due in part to the coming of Monsoon.  The rains do somewhat limit the kids outside time, and make us schedule most of our outings when the sun is out.  But there are a handful of other things all going on at the same time and things seem to just start swirling by before you can really think about it.

So of course, when I saw this new Mission Possible Kit by my favorite ladies, Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations, I just had to make a page celebrating our current craziness.  And why not!  We are talking about celebrating all the aspects of life this year after all, so lets celebrate the crazy aspects as well.

Here it is:

It was a great de-stressor today for me.  After the kiddos were in bed I just sat down and played a bit. And the best part is that it all came basically together.  This is the first Mission Possible kit I have had the pleasure to play with - there are two more (Time and Travel) in the store here.

For this page I used all Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations
Mission Possible: Circus
Mission Possible: Circus Add-on
Mission Possible: Circus Freebie 1
Mission Possible: Circus Freebie 2

And if you like what you see, you might want to click the links because some of those freebies might still be available.

The ladies have loads of new kits out in the store right now too. Including these two that I might just have to play with a bit.

Happy day to you all!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Art Journaling Challenge with Altered Junk

You might have noticed that I talk about Altered Junk and the lovely ladies at Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations quite a bit.  Well, they are now hosting challenges for any folks interested in art journaling.  This month's challenge can be found on my friend Inger's blog here.  So head over there and have a look.  She has a really cool freebie for you too!

I had a lot of fun with this challenge.  I started out with one page and before too long realized I had to make two - one for me and where I am and one for my family.

Here is my page:

Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Paper Set 30 - Process Paper Set 1 page 5 and Dana Zarling: Urban Girl Paper Pack
Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Halloween Paper (on lady)
Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Cutouts 2 (lady)
Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Challenge Freebie #1(rainbow, crown, and path)
Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Mini Kit # 6 (goggles)
Tallula Moon Designs - Frosty Chill glitter borders
font - Pea Andrea

It celebrates the change in vision I have had this year and how I am no longer afraid to be the person God created me to be - no more pretending, no more masks, just me plain and simple (OK - so I am not so plain and simple - but you know what I mean).

This page I made with my family in mind:

Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Challenge Freebie #1 (rainbow)
Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Messy Splats 2
Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk Mini Kit 8 (paper)
Tallula Moon Design - Frosty Chill Gliter Borders
font: Pea Breathe Easy

It is simple on purpose, and it celebrates the fact that as a family we have been through so much together, and yet, we are still here.  I had a lot of fun with photo extraction on this one.  I am telling you, each new page I do helps me to learn a little more.  This is so much fun!

Well, hope you visit Ms Inger and have a go at the challenge - it is really fun, and you get a nice prize for participating.

Happy Day!