Tuesday, April 24, 2012

first steps in another journey

I was contemplating another quote today.  Really thinking it over and trying to see how it worked out in my life.  My thoughts took an unexpected path and landed me at the foot of a revelation.  I realized how many journeys we are taking simultaneously.  We take a physical journey every time we get in the car, or step onto a plane.  But we also take countless emotional journeys, some that are very painful.  It made me realize, that although I may not always like the journey I am on, I sure am glad that I don't walk these paths alone.

One person in particular has been by my side on a good amount of my journey, and I am so thankful for him.  We are nearing our anniversary, and I can't help but think back to all the places we've been.  I made this page especially for him, and I want him to know how happy I am to be his journey partner.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Lao Tze

journaling reads:
Yep!  Every single one of them!  You and me, we have seen that.  We have taken hundreds of journeys and racked up thousands of miles, both literally and figuratively, but each and every one of them started with that first, often scary, step into the unknown.  But you know, none of it would have happened if you had not taken that first step – almost 15 years ago – and got my attention.  And none of this would have happened if I had not been brave enough to trust you, to stop telling you to go away, and agreed to marry you.  And just think about how different our life would have been if we had not taken those tear filled, anxious steps through the airport eight years ago and got on that plane with our baby, leaving everything that we knew behind.  Yes, the journeys we have taken have been hard at times, but they have been beautiful as well.  We have cried, but we have also laughed.  We have lost much, but we have also gained in so many ways.  Not only has our journeying taken us around the world, it has grown and stretched and reshaped us so that today we are not the same people we were when we took those first steps.
And here we are again, taking the first timid steps on what will most likely be another long, hard, but beautiful journey.  
Can I hold your hand?

background – blend of Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations paper sets 29, 40, & Scooty Designs Romantic Journaling Card
Rucola Designs: lucky start (couple)
Tangie Baxter: gesso messy 1, 2, 3, 5, AJC 11 parcel 30,
Akizo: kitschy hearts (heart spray)
Jkneipp - far from here (plane)
KFredericks: stay there (staple)
K Hadfield: hand stitched stitches
Katie Pertiet: journey quote

No journey is easy, but sharing the journey with a good friend can make it more beautiful in the end.

Happy travels!

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