Friday, April 20, 2012

Another win for Mommy!

Those of you who have boys, or had brothers, or are married, or have ever been around boys know just how competitive they can be.  Now, my boys are better than some, they have lived with me long enough to know I don't like to play games with them if they are intent on making me cry - and I have lived with them long enough to get a bit of a competitive streak to me.

So it is not any wonder really, when on our game night (at least 2 or 3 times a week now) we all get a little feisty.  And although there are some games I have never won, there are others I am pretty good at.

So here is a page celebrating yet another win for Mommy - the Queen of Hearts!

I used some more of the goodies from Polka Dot Chicks and Soto Creations Altered Junk.  This time I used
three of their Mix-Ups Mix Up (13, 12, 15)
Mixed Up Clusters 1
font: Prissy frat boy
It is so much fun to mix and match these kits - and there are so many options when you do.

Have a good weekend!

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